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Dark Sea










Jerome Brooke
















GoodSAMARitan Press





































                                     Sulu Sea


            Gold lies to the south, and emeralds,

                        Their princes steal your gold.

            Send the legions, men in bronze,

                        Your noble warriors bold.


            Our cohorts will slay the Evil One;

                        Death to the evil lie.

            We will give fell blows to false cities,

                        Mere rebels will die.






































           Prince of Mindinao


Prince of Mindinao, splendid in bronze,

            Marching, so young, so pure.

Vassals bow before you, my prince, the warband,

            Does salute you, bright in azure.


Sword of Samar, Tiger of Ban Same, Lord of All,

            Tigers do flee.

Thief of Darkness, rebels will taste blood,

            Thou shalt see.


Gold and silver, robes of silk, gleaming bronze,

            Vassals before you bow.

Girls beg for mere copper coins, peasants mutter,

            Reap as you sow.


Bring the fire, young and immortal, dear one,

            Prince of the Lie.

Your arms will surely weaken, false friends,

            You too will die.






























Dancer of Luzon


                        Dancer, spinning in silk, turn to me,

                                    Fair, Dear One.

                        Lady in black, Maid of Fire, burn me,

                                    Come, return.


                        Spin, Daughter of Copper, all in rags,

                                    Full of fire.

                        You are fair, I am old, you must die,

                                    You will tire.                   


                        Dancer, free as the tiger, show your claws,

                                    Slay my torn heart.

                        Princess of the Waves, see my shriveled legs,

                                    Kill with your art.


                        Maiden of Night, in dark silk, spin to me,

                                    Prince of the Lie.

                        Come to me, Lady Mine, take my hand,

                                    To my palace fly.

































               Sword Of Samar



Prince of Shades, see your Lady, at your feet,

            Captive of seeming.

Beauty she sees, a god among us, love gazes,

            Love pure, fleeting.  


Love below you, eyes of a peasant,

            Girl in rags, low of the land.

Hate, envy, pity, all weave the web,

            Pass on with your band.










































                         Rubies and Silver


            In the sea by Borae, land of rubies and silver,

                        Lay the fleet in the sea.

            Over the waves from the west, near Samar,

                        Sailed the ships of our Lady.


            Her dark eyes saw the prey, her claws,

                        Fleet and sharp, reached out;

            Her sword of bronze, shone in the sun,

                        High was our shout.


            Where are the ships, ships of the south,

                        Swift birds of prey?

            Scattered, lost are the dark ships of dawn,

                        Burning, this day.

































                        Red Gold


            Empress of the waves, Warrior Queen,

                        Ruler of the bold,

            Lead us to battle, lead us to jewels,

                        And to red gold.


            We are ready to follow,

                        Ride to the South;

            Lead us to victory, or lead us,

                        To red death.


            Why do you cry? Look, find him,

                        I will surely slay the man,

            Find him, the one who has failed,

                        Who has earned my hand.


            Now you smile, now all, all is well,

                        Queen of the West.

            Now my Lady, lead us to victory,

                        And  the test!





































                    Wings of Death


In the sea by Mataran, land of rubies and silver,

            Lay the fleet in the sea.

Over the waves from the west, near Samare,

            Sailed the ships of our lady.


Her dark eyes saw the prey, her claws,

            Fleet and sharp, reached out;

Her sword of bronze, shone in the sun,

            High was our shout.


Where are the ships, ships of the South,

            Swift birds of prey?

Scattered, lost are the dark ships of dawn,

            Burning, this day.








































                         Empire of Darkness


            Gold I cast before you, captives march,

                        Bandits bound, rebels lost.

            False kings lie in blood, red blood,

                        What matters the cost?


            Samar is free, truth lives on,

                        Men have bread.

            Cebu is safe, Catarman secure,

                        All has been said.


            Your foe is slain, Gentle Queen,

                        His head I hold.

            His gold, his green lands, are yours,  

                        Evil, no longer bold.


            Cry not Fair One, weep no more,

                        Truth rules the sea.

            The people rejoice, Gentle Queen,

                        Queen of the Jubilee.






































              Empire at Dawn


Free the captives, return them to Cebu,

            Their oaths sworn.

Spare the son of mine enemy, their King,

            Fallen and torn.                 


Rebuild their temples, our true altars raise,

            Send bread to the South.

Their gold I hold to rebuild the fair Tacloban;

            They have my oath.


Burn no more far Cebu, Cebu the Lost,

            I say these words.

Call back my Legions, call back my captains,

            Hold your swords.


My lords, why are you quiet, why mute,

            What matter the cost?

Justice must rule in Cebu, truth will live,

            For Cebu the Lost.





























Captain of Death


Dust fills the air, dust covers our ranks,

Over our silent band.

Water calls from the mirage, water of life,

Deep, under the sand.


Sell the gold to Cebu, send to their King,

Buy my life.

Bury the gems, hide the silver,

Won in strife.


Mad we are, mad in this barren waste,

Lost in burning sand.

Die, die we must in these rocks, in Cebu,

Our new won land.


Horses in the distance, pale horses;

Chariots of the South.

Gold, red gold, fills our hand,

Dust fills our mouth.
































Produced in Thailand


C - copyright 2009 Jerome Brooke  All rights Reserved